"Ever since I started the yoga classes with Anne-Françoise I haven't experienced any of the back pains that I used to have due to desk work. Before, I regularly went to see a chiropractor for back adjustments but haven't needed to go see her since starting the yoga classes in March, while I also feel happy that I now have a regular practice to check in with my body myself and release tension rather than depending on after the fact remedies. I feel like I am preventing stress getting stuck in my body instead of waiting till the damage is done and let the chiropractor patch me up again so I can start collecting new stress in my body."
— Afke van Mansum, Hypnotherapist/Artist

"Anne-Francoise Potterat has such a calm & peaceful voice that it makes it very easy to relax & be present.
I felt a sense of serenity through my body as we were doing the breathing motions. Looking at the KaleiStar image, I could truly feel my heart expand with all the love & wisdom that was pouring out of it & onto me, opening me up to all sorts of possiblity. Anne-Francoise's images are so profoundly beautiful & deep. They radiate light & all things color & shape-shifting. It was truly an exceptional experience & one that I cannot wait to relive again. I felt such a sense of gratitute, clarity & a sense of knowing that was truly heartfelt, eye opening & made me feel even more connected than ever before! There is truly magic in the KaleiStars!
I would recommend this experience to everyone because it is something that truly has to be seen & felt to be able to understand the magic & beauty of it all!
Thank you Anne Francoise for sharing a divine experience!"
— Suzi Farajiani, Real Estate Entrepreneur
"After Anne-Francoise Potterat's meditation session, my relationship with my husband Tal has all of a sudden become incredible. I have fallen in love with him all-over again. My smile is just brighter. I feel lighter. I cannot wait till the next session."
— Eris Poringer,
Artist, Media Wizard & Marketing Genius

Your KaleiStar does not just give my apartment a special touch. You can really get into it - from distance or quite close up. And again and again I recognize something new in it. But something else - there is also a whole new, special, balancing atmosphere of my apartment. Well, it's not my last KaleiStar of you.
But I also made an attempt at my work. We have a big screen in the "Showroom" in the graphics. A week ago, I had a meeting with some of my employees to find solutions for a problem in the company. Before the start of our meeting I put the photo of your picture on the screen, I only "presented" and said nothing - I just let the picture work. And then, after about 5 minutes, I started the meeting. Without saying a word about the picture. And you know what? We were able to solve "out of the box" the problems and have developed solutions - also, solutions „out of the box". At the end, an employee noticed that he believes that this picture has helped us all to get started, and we were able to discuss it without a problem. Isn’t it great? So, it works. The picture doesn’t need words. I can only tell you: prove it yourself.
— Sylvia Meyer, visionary-entrepreneur, Zurich, CH
“Anne-Françoise Potterat’s images radiate, attract and entrance. Like the art of shamans around the world, they reveal a vibrational realm that manifests beauty, and that assuages in subtle ways. These images are objects that one sees, yet they give access to the invisible — making them paradoxical passages and sources of knowledge.”
— Jeremy Narby, Anthropologist, Writer
(The Cosmic Serpent,1995)

Doors of Consciousness
Each kaleidoscopic mandala is harmoniously conceived in accord with some of the great ancestral and energy medicines that take into consideration the human being in space, the space in human being, the cosmic agreements, and the different elements of the universe based on some of the principles of the Tibetan, Chinese, Shamanic and Universal Schools.
The deep profound goal of each kaleidoscopic mandala is to access different levels of consciousness thus freeing the subtle healing mechanism of body and soul. A kaleidoscopic mandala can therefore have a direct action on the physical dimension as well as the psychic, emotional and spiritual equilibrium of our being.
The balance between the projected informations on the brain and the ones received by the body allows access to another vibrational plane, clear of mental chatter, where self-healing takes place.
— Cornelia Jeannerat, healer
“Wherever I live, I make sure there is at least one painting by Anne-Françoise Potterat hanging opposite my bed so that it’s the first thing I see when I wake up. The virtuosic luminosity of her work is both stunning and reassuringly life-affirming.”
Lauren Cerand, Publicist, ultra-cultured New Yorker

“Anne-Francoise’s mandalas are alive.
My mandala on the wall is creating beautiful energy in my room as well as making my space colourful and beautiful.
Thank you Anne-Francoise for your groundbreaking work.
Working with the mandalas is liberating. It gets you in touch with your subconscious and in the end of a mandala breathing process, you come out on the other side, anew, in touch with a deeper truth.”
— Kristin Engvig, Founder WIN
The Spiral Labyrinth
As the Dalai Lama reminds us, “World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is the manifestation of human compassion” Peace in the world is possible, it is a longing deep in the heart of everyone. Inner peace is uncovered as individuals move through the emotions of fear, anger, resentment and frustration to those higher vibrations such as beauty, compassion and love.
Walking the Spiral Labyrinth designed by the visionary artist, Anne-Francoise Potterat, is a powerful process for discovering inner peace. At the recent Peace Conference in Geneva and then later in Tcherkasy in the Ukraine, where we set up a model of the labyrinth, individuals experienced musing with the mandalas. One woman in Ukraine, who lives in Crimea, expressed the profound sadness she had to be separated from her homeland. Expressing this sadness and anger allowed her to move on and find her own sense of compassion and inner peace and then returned to Crimea to share this with others.”
— Rev. Beth Linguri, Founder, Center for Peace

“At WIN conference in Rome, September 2015, I was on my way to help at the plenary room when I noticed Anne-Françoise on the floor surrounded by the images! There was something in that room that made me want to stay. So we started to talk and before I knew it, I was seated on the floor! I looked at the images. At first I did not understand what they were representing. There were hypnotic. I could see the details only with peripheral viewing. My gaze was first in the center and then travelled to the sides, just like Anne- Francoise later suggested. I forgot the time and that I was expected elsewhere! There was a peace and calm in this room that I rarely experience! And our contact was instant, like we knew each other for a long time ( maybe we do?).
Back in Lausanne, sharing the mandala workshop with the WIN ladies was another super moment of quiet sisterhood, like when words are futile and the world stop turning! It’s so rare for me to experience that!!! I have a crazy pace and crazy life! And it was so great to do that with Anne-Françoise, Kristin Engvig and her team! Our bound is now even stronger!”
— Andrea Delannoy, Business Manager
“… Since Creativity is in the spotlight, “… I brought forth the beauty that lies dormant in the emerald of your essence…”, said Temperance of Alexandro Jodorowsky in the song of the Tarot… This is exactly how I felt when I met Anne-Françoise and her “magical brushes”… Not only she creates extraordinary mandalas that transform, she also captures” the beauty of our essence “, she translates it into bright colors and puts it into an ” energy picture ” also transformative! What a beautiful meeting!”
— Sophie Biro, beauty lover, dancer and DJ

Some TESTIMONIALS from NYC Yoga & Art Students
“ ArtChakraYoga teaches me how to laugh, makes me happy, makes my body relax, and brings peace to me.”
Margot S., 6 years old
“Overall the feeling I got from ArtChakraYoga is hard to describe, but it's the kind of thing I often look for in church but rarely find.”
"Anne-Francoise is a healer for my organs and my heart. Her mission is deep and original."
Ted Ehrhardt, Lisenced Creative Arts Therapist
"Although it is impossible to predict where Anne-Francoise will take the class on a given evening it is almost guaranteed that she will address what each student most needs -- whether flexibility, muscular release, relaxation, or peace of mind. Given the diversity of the class it is all the more uncanny how often it feels as if Anne-Francoise designed her class specifically for you."
Alan N., PhD, LCSW
“When I began in December 2007, I was unable to move easily from an illness plus a back injury and sciatic pain. Since that time, my body and mind have benefited from Anne-Francoise's teaching. I love her voice- it soothes me. And I envy her laughter. Her ArtChakraYoga classes brought me to a heightened state.”
Fran Bast
“Personally, taking Anne-Francoise's yoga class helped bring me balance and calmness during a very stressful and anxiety-ridden time. The ArtChakra workshops focus on various chakras and integrated movement, breathing, and the senses. Whenever I leave yoga or a workshop I feel grounded and in touch with myself and my surroundings. Anne-Francoise's yoga classes have become essential part of my life, and my well- being, and have helped me.”
Shalini Deo, Lawyer
“I think of Anne-Francoise's yoga classes as an invitation to love living.”
Lucy McNair, Poet